Call for Papers

 This Workshop aims at bringing together leading researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry to discuss novel research contributions related to any area of Security and Cognitive Informatics for Homeland Defense.

 Preferred topics in this workshop include (but are not limited to):

 • Homeland Security and Information Processing
 • Personal Security and Biometric
 • Intelligent Robots and Unmanned Vehicles
 • Target and Pattern Recognition
 • Sensor and Data Analysis
 • Semantic Image and Data Processing
 • Information Fusion
 • Advanced Vision Algorithms
 • Security in Ambient Intelligence
 • Context- and Location-aware Computing
 • Embedded systems in Security
 • Knowledge-based Systems for Internet Security
 • Security issues and protocols for Internet services
 • Privacy and trust for Internet services
 • Artificial Intelligence and Computational intelligence
 • Cognitive informatics
 • Cognitive models of the brain
 • Mathematical foundations of computing and cryptography
 • Cognitive image and scene understanding
 • Intelligent Health Technologies