Proceedings & Post Publications
Proceedings of MobiSec 2018 will be available to the
All accepted papers will be published
Research Briefs on
Information & Communication Technology Evolution (ReBICTE)
Journal of Internet
Services and Information Security (JISIS)
All the accepted papers will be invited
to be extended and submitted to the followings:
(It is not guaranteed that the extended papers will be accepted and published)
- [Pending] Springer Communications in
Computer and Information Science (Scopus/EI indexed) - Please refer to its
previous volume (CCIS 797):
- Special Issue on Secure
Computation on 4G/5G Enabled Internet-of-Things
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing ? (SCIE-1.899)
- Special Issue on Internet
of Things for Smart Homes
Sensors-MDPI ? (SCIE-2.677)
- Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks,
Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA,
Scopus Q3/2.05 cites per doc) (Publication
charge will be waived and Papers will be very quickly published within 2018)
- Outstanding papers for International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC) & IEEE Access special issues